Optimize your health and fitness with our data-driven approach.

Performance testing once reserved for professional athletes is now available in NYC.

Our team collects and translates your assessment data into actionable insights to provide a comprehensive understanding of your health. It’s time to get results.

Achieve your most important goals //

No matter your goal, our program is for you //

We’ll help you achieve your most important goals, from building muscle to weight loss.

  • We empower individuals to enhance longevity through a holistic approach to health and wellness. By leveraging advanced diagnostics, personalized plans, targeted exercise regimens, and stress management techniques, we help individuals optimize their overall well-being and mitigate factors that contribute to premature aging. With our tailored approach, individuals can proactively address health concerns, improve vitality, and achieve a longer, healthier life.

  • Different Health helps individuals enhance performance through advanced assessments like VO2 Max testing, RMR analysis, DEXA scans, and blood analysis. Our expert team creates personalized plans based on comprehensive data, optimizing performance through tailored exercise, nutrition, supplementation, and stress management strategies.

  • By analyzing factors such as VO2 Max, Resting Metabolic Rate, DEXA scans, and blood biomarkers, we gain insights into your body's unique needs and recovery mechanisms. With this data, we develop customized plans that incorporate optimal nutrition, hydration, rest, and recovery techniques tailored to enhance your recovery process and optimize overall well-being.

  • We gain a deep understanding of your body composition, metabolic rate, and overall health status. With this data, our team of experts develops personalized nutrition and exercise plans designed to promote fat loss while preserving lean muscle mass. Additionally, we provide ongoing support, guidance, and accountability to help you stay on track and achieve sustainable weight loss results.

  • By conducting assessments such as DEXA scans and force plate testing, we obtain detailed insights into your body composition, including muscle mass, bone density, and strength levels. Based on these assessments, our team of experts develops customized nutrition and exercise plans tailored to your specific goals and needs. These plans are designed to optimize muscle growth by providing the right balance of macronutrients, resistance training, and recovery strategies.

  • Our assessments, including blood analysis, identify issues like hormonal imbalances and nutrient deficiencies that affect sleep. Our experts then create personalized strategies to improve sleep hygiene, nutrition, and lifestyle. We also offer guidance on stress management, relaxation exercises, and supplements for better sleep quality.

  • Through personal profiling, blood analysis, and stress hormone testing, we identify underlying factors contributing to stress. Based on these results, our team of experts develops customized plans that may include lifestyle modifications, relaxation techniques, stress management strategies, and targeted supplements to alleviate stress and promote overall well-being.